The Uxbridge Chamber of Commerce is now closed April 19th 2024




April 19th 2024

As you know, for some time now we the board at the Uxbridge Chamber of Commerce ( UXCC ) have undergone some great challenges and changes in the last 4 years and especially in the last year.

Our greatest concern for the membership has been the lack of engagement and the need for the membership to participate in activities and events.  Prior to this period the UXCC was greatly supported by the membership for breakfasts including a lineup of great speakers. The UXCC was thriving with a membership of close to 150 members.

Currently, with the outlook looking progressively dimmer for the UXCC without participation and engagement, we have no other choice but to close.  We have not processed any memberships or sponsorships renewal in the fall of 2023 as per our usual early bird.  If it was a possibility to get new board members, we were set to send out renewal no later than the end of March of this year.  That date has come and gone and to date, we have not received any volunteers of new board members.

We recognize and respect the huge transition and sacrifices a lot of business have had to endure during these unforeseen pivotal times.  We have acknowledged the closings of business, selling of businesses and members just having to go find a job to help their businesses and families survive and we have empathized and tried to assist the entire time.

Now with heavy hearts and much sorrow we announce that the remaining executives will not only be leaving the board, with full resignations, but the UXCC is permanently closed and dissolved.

Ideally a completely new start-up board will emerge, along with new engaging members that will take the reins to re-start the UXCC in the near future.

We have done our do diligence for the last 4.5 years to keep the UXCC as a thriving Chamber Chapter however with our most recent cry for help for the need of nine new board members, in the last year to transition the board, the lack of interest in new volunteer board members, has the current UXCC board with no other choice but to fold and dissolved the Uxbridge Chamber of Commerce.

The UXCC will keep the website up and running for the next few months to honor the business and annual sponsors that were members as of 2023. Your dedication has been much appreciated as well.

As for the 2023 members that have insurance with Keystone Benefits, we are transitioning you over to another chamber chapter and will have a letter email arriving soon for this transition.

We have accomplished much in the UXCC over the years, to having monthly events of bringing members together for monthly breakfasts, networking opportunities, lunch & learns, online discussions, annual Santa Claus parade participation, liaison with BIA and council, and we have sat on numerous committees for almost four decades, when the UXCC was revised for the second time, many years ago.

**The UXCC Chapter was even mentioned in Pariliment Chambers a few years ago “with great thriving Entrepreneur spirit Uxbridge Chamber is the backbone of the business community” ” The Uxbridge Chamber cares about their business community and the residents of the town”.

We wish you all a thriving rest of 2024, for you, your business, and your family!

All the best,

UXCC Executive Board.